Sunday, February 7, 2010

What exactly is a graven image and how does it differ from an idol or false god?

Technically a graven image is anything carved.. I mean if you wanna go by the dictionary's definition of just ';graven';. So that would mean statues of George Washington or anything carved would technically be a graven image which the bible forbids. However, the actual definition of ';graven image'; is anything that deeply impacts your beliefs/thoughts/actions. Basically, it's something you've pretty much made into a god.

So I... I guess what I'm really asking is why are the first and second commandments separated rather than combined when ultimately a graven image is a false god, and thus the two commandments are saying the same thing -- ';have no gods before Me.';What exactly is a graven image and how does it differ from an idol or false god?
In the Scriptures, Hebrew words referring to idols often stress worthlessness, or they are terms of contempt. Among these are words rendered “carved or graven image” (literally, something carved out); “molten statue, image, or idol” (something cast or poured out); “horrible idol”; “vain idol” (literally, vanity); and “dungy idol.” The Greek word ei′do‧lon is rendered “idol.”

Cardinal Gibbons may distinguish between an image and an idol and insist that an image is merely an aid to worship, but when pilgrimages are made to a particular image, then the image has taken on a value of its own, in direct violation of God’s command against giving honor to a graven thing.What exactly is a graven image and how does it differ from an idol or false god?
Basically this commandment was meant to stop people from making images of God in the form of animals, or forces of nature, ect.
The making is equally forbidden as the worshipping.

Is the image of Jim Darwin on a piece of toast a false idol or just creative art?

First drink,

second, great picture!Is the image of Jim Darwin on a piece of toast a false idol or just creative art?
Miracles happen to those who believe in them. :) Get Jim Darwin to clearly appear on some toast at the home of ';imacatholic2'; and then we're cookin with gas!Is the image of Jim Darwin on a piece of toast a false idol or just creative art?
Been playing in the jelly again? ;)
How did you manage that one? The old butter trick?

The more important question would be how much could you get for it on eBay.
I think you can put it on E-Bay and get a fortune for it.
Is this a shot at Catholicism?
Thjat depends on how you approach it; with reverence and awe, or with butter and jelly.
Just tragic toasting.
Maybe both. I worship it and enjoy its cheese-filled goodness at the same time.
It depends, did it just appear, or did you create an impression of ';Jimmy'; on your toast?
I have a toaster that makes Mickey Mouse faces.

Does that count?
Ooops! Sorry, I eated it.

[Insert Barney burp here.]

True or False-vey: There's too much focus these days on body image?

Pure Evil: Sure is.True or False-vey: There's too much focus these days on body image?
True.True or False-vey: There's too much focus these days on body image?
If it were about health, that would actually be great -- there's no denying that most people eat junk and don't get enough physical activity, so most people are overweight to some degree -- I could probably stand to lose a few pounds myself.

But we both know that, sadly, it isn't about health, it's about some artificial standard of beauty that actually ends up causing some people to do UNhealthy things, and others to develop unhealthy psyches.

Fortunately, the topic is out there, so maybe more people are at least thinking about it.
True. Im obsessed with not being fat. I think about it all day every day. I blame alot of my problems on it. I refuse to believe that the way I look is alright.
Hollywood and the fashion industry are killing our kids because of it's self conscious effort to project false images of what is beautiful and what is ugly!!!!
Definitely true! It is exhausting to keep up with today's body image.
I bet a skinny person wouldn't have asked this question.
Yes, most definitely. Women wearing size 10 is considered plus size. That's insane.
True!!! What is now considered ';fat'; was thought to be wealthy and happy in Ancient times. But noooooooooo now we have to be dying, depressed sticks...YAY
true to a point, and maybe false to a point as well
true. definitely
Sadly, very true.
Hi Gina,

Sooooo very true now days!!!

Your Friend,

Very true and the wrong kind of image. People seem to want to prove how dead they can look without actually being dead
That is so true, my friend.

Very True.....
Very True :)))))
So Sooo True !
very true
True true true true true.

It gets annoying.
True, very true. People are more worried about looks than anything.
true people need to be happy with what they got
Sadly this is 1000% True... Makes me so sick.
it's a true fact. but sometimes it looks really funny.... whats to do in that case?thanks.
I'm in shape.

';Round'; is a shape, right?
  • sba loans
  • True or false- modern politics have alot more to do with PR campaigns, spinsters, and image rather than issues

    I am an old political science master's graduate and cannot believe how the use of focus groups have changed modern day politics. Has much more to do with public relations rather than issues. The problem is, if the president (or any other politician for that matter) is simply echoing back what he was told to say by advisors who studied a focus group, where does he really stand on the issue? This is the current problem we are facing with the Iraq mess. Bad news is somehow spinned into good news. And the president is getting advice from Karl Rove and other advisors on what words to use and what words not to use based on focus groups and random polls. Meanwhile, the root of the issue is ignored and debate is stifled. I am not exclusively picking on Bush either. Clinton was the king of using polls and focus groups to spin information. And in the end, you weren't really sure what he personally stood for.True or false- modern politics have alot more to do with PR campaigns, spinsters, and image rather than issues
    So true. I have a bachelors in both Political Science and Public Relations. I found that they both go hand in to preserve the politicians image more so than the issues. Now a days its like pulling a tooth to see where they actually stand on the issues. It is all '; what is their approval rating'; and, ';what was said about them in the newspaper?'; And they have all of these people around them advising them. I feel that most (not all) politicians now a days cant think for themselves.

    unreal. And frusterating for starters. In my opinion enough of these wealthy lawyers running for office. How about someone who has had to work for a living?True or false- modern politics have alot more to do with PR campaigns, spinsters, and image rather than issues
    I think its easier to see what President Bush stands for. He stands for this country. It was also easy to see what clinton stood for. He stood for bill clinton. I can see passed the focus groups and straight through to the person. I haven't been fooled yet by this method, and I have no reason to believe I will be fooled in the future.
    You are totally right. And it is a shame people fall for the spin rather than the issues.

    It also has a lot to do with organized crime. I've come to the conclusion that all countries are run by people who would be criminals if it weren't for politics. the U.S. it's the opiate of the masses.
    True! They seem to do things just to get good public standing, but I think that the big issue is that they are pulled too hard by their parties! Everyone knows that an independent will never get elected to any serious position, so they need to take some positions for their parties that they may not be in wholehearted agreement with. It really bothers me too that it seems that politics now are like little kids' dodgeball teams. There is so much bickering between the parties that they seem to refuse to come together on certain problems they both see. Watch someone come into office when the other party has just held majority and you'll see them do things just trying to reverse what their 'enemies' have done before them. Look at Clinton taking keys off the keyboards after he was finally done in office!

    What is a false prophet and what is the image of the beast i know but do you?

    oh yea the mark of the beast what is it and why do they put it on the lambs of GodWhat is a false prophet and what is the image of the beast i know but do you?
    a false prophet is some one who is suppose to follow God nut preaches a false message. The false prophet in revelation is a person of the one world religion who diverts worship to the antichrist as god. hence his name a preacher who teaches a false message.

    the image of the beast is a image of the world leader who died and had control over the whole world. the image could well be the digital image that was used by prince charles that makes it appear the person is actually there but is not.

    it is a device that keeps tract of people and lets them buy and sell.

    its used as a mark for those who follow the antichrist.

    its not put on the lambs of God but those who worship the beastWhat is a false prophet and what is the image of the beast i know but do you?
    The false prophet is the UN that came out of the abyss.It was called The League of Nations,it was as if slaughtered but came back as the United Nations.The beast is the Governmental sytem all over the world that puts everyone under compulsion to follow it.In many nations like Africa they have been denied purchasing a home,buying food and jobs because they would not purchase a small card that would be showing that they supported the Government. If you tell this in your church you might get into trouble.
    Since all of xtianity is false prophecy and a false religion - that is the beast and xtians have tried forcing it on innocent people throughout history.

    You think xtians live in fear because they're on the right path? God says he sends a blast of terror to his enemies.

    There are no demons or hell in Judaism, but the xtian old testament inserted those beliefs into Jewish scripture.
    Jeff is that you?

    Sally said to tell you she wants to sell the pickup, and she needs you get your stuff out of the back.

    No offense but correct grammar and punctuation makes ALL the difference in the world in getting your point across as intended.

    Just trying to help. God bless you.
    The 'mark' will NOT go on The Lambs Children!! (';We'; will already be WITH Jesus at that awful 'time' anyway!!)
    All cattle needs to be herded
    Lol no you don't
    Someone who claims to know answers and who questions whether others do.


    The answer you revealed seems to mix American or possibly Native Ameican folklore with part of Revelation.

    The beast, the number of whom was 666, was the Roman Emperor Nero. The whore of Babylon was code for Rome; she sits on seven hills. And the mark of the beast seems to be some badge, tattoo or brand, that allowed economic activity within the Roman Empire. The author of Revelation was prophesying the fall of Rome and its empire in the 1st century. It didn't of course happen until hundreds of years later. I should mention that Rome was called Babylon in Revelation as metaphor for an imperial power.

    Image is everything. True or False?

    Image is what determines who you are to some people. Just one look at how you're dress can make you good or bad material. What I mean is that if you go around dressing in too short pants and to revealing tops, most people will call you a s*** on first glance. Same as wearing too big jackets with the hood and sagging pants, guys. You'll be placed into the thug category. You can have a 4.0 GPA and heading to Harvard, but your image will overshadow you good accomplishments. If you want to be known for your intelligence, dress intelligent. Nice, clean shirt and pants that actually fit (for guys), or a nice outfit that covers the obvious places (for girls.)

    I want ya'll opinion. Do you think that if you dress a certain way (gangsta, thug, s***, emo, etc.) you'll be placed into that category even though you're not what you promote? You can be the next Bill Gates, but be passed over because you dress like a wannabe thug.

    Just wondering

    Please and Thankyou

    ~Mallet ProImage is everything. True or False?
    Everyone does this even if they say they do not. Im not a judgemental person, but when i see a person in all black with a trench coat i shudder a little, im only human. I believe that it isnt right, but would go into an interview dressed in a halter top and short shorts? First impressions are the most important and the first thing that people is image unfortuneltly. I dont think that girsl should wear revealing clothing, and more and more young girls are! they have thongs in the little girls section for cryin out lound! I dont think that image is everything, but it is a factor and people should be able to express themselves, but there is a time and a place to do so.Image is everything. True or False?
    honestly yes thats what happens people base their opinions of others based on the way they look which sounds stupid but it happens all the time and everyone does it and if you deny it then your just lying to yourself.

    what matters though is what you do in return. what i mean is sure you can be placed into those categories but it doesn't mean thats who you are as a person. you can break through and show people that and proove to them that your not just some emo or goth or gangster or prep whatever but that you are something much more.
    You are right on a Target. But, in my opinion,you should be yourself and dress appropriate at all time. Then no one judges you. Happy new you 2008 and welcome any time. bf and i talked about this today about how you wouldn't buy a car,house,stocks, etc off some one who was dirty, poorly dressed or wearing Kmart clothes because if you can't afford to look nice at your job then why would i want to give you my money or time they can't handle

    older ppl that own these business and invite you to these big colleges don't understand and or like this new way kids are dress and won't give them the time of day
    I agree you can dress a certain way and not be in that category. I dress like a prep, but don't act how many consider them to act I am shy and consider myself nice. Most people consider Preps to be the complete opposite of my personality. And it's not fair, people think that image is everything and it gets overshadowed by personality.
    yes, it's true. no, it isn't fair. I've been stereotyped, I've been friends with people who have been stereotyped. People were told to stay away from me JUST because I was friends with the guy everyone loved to hate. did they know he was extremely nice and a dedicated teen father? no. did they care? no. people are always going to be hurtful and shallow by not giving someone a chance because of how they look. I've been at the lower end of the chain to learn to never do it.
    Absolutely false
    Sad but true, this is the way the world works.
    true... most of the time. Unless people really know you.
    Yes, I think appearances are VERY important in our society. I'm a school teacher and am constantly judged, not necessarily by how I dress but by my career. There are certain things that people think teachers should not do, like go to bars, like heavy metal music, like black nail polish. I wish everyone were able to just be themselves but I don't truly think that our society will ever accept people for who they are!
    Mainly it's actually self-image. If you aren't happy with how you look then nobody will be.

    Make yourself look how you want to look but try to dress within a certain code. Obviously don't dress in black unless you have a reason for it or unless it looks good and black isn't the main colour. Mostly certain groups have certain colours but what makes a person unique is their own combination of colours in which they wear most of the time. Make those colours unique to you and change them according to the seasons - lighter shades for summer and darker shades for winter and vice versa.

    I have light skin and dark brown hair so I've chosen my colours to be chocolate brown, white, light pink and pastel colours when there's a variation. Even though people deny it, image does mean something as to how you present yourself but it isn't everything. Your personality also helps with making a descision on what kind of person you are.
    Problem is, people (teens) don't dress as to who they are. They dress to impress. To put out a certain image that isn't even them.
    well if someone walks by and sees you in short pants and a revealing top but you get strait A's then there going to think your a s*** but if the person knows you they might see the real you.
    true and false

    '; the first activity in design is imaging '; but this would have reinforced the false popular idea that using o

    try reading this'; the first activity in design is imaging '; but this would have reinforced the false popular idea that using o
    And your question is, dear?'; the first activity in design is imaging '; but this would have reinforced the false popular idea that using o
    I don't know.